Human Perfection in Byzantine Theology: Attaining the Fullness of Christ (Attaining the Fullness of Christ)
Torrance, Alexis | Oxford | 20201215
소개 This work studies the approach to the question of human perfection in a number of seminal Byzantine theological figures (from 7th-14th centuries), in conversation with modern Orthodox Christian thought. The Byzantine authors examined include Maximus the Confessor, Theodore the Studite, Symeon the New Theologian, and Gregory Palamas.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780198845294
Persons in Communion Paperback
Torrance, Alan J. | T. & T. Clark Publishers, Ltd. | 19960701
소개 Dr Alan Torrance here seeks to outline the structure of human participation in the triune life which is conceived as the essential context for the articulation of God in human language. The three areas of focus concern firstly, the question of the...
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780567097408
Reality and Scientific Theology Paperback
Thomas F. Torrance | Wipf & Stock | 20210101
소개 In this book the author argues for a rigorous scientific theology under the double constraint of the reality of God and the reality of the world of space and time. Careful attention is given to the common commitment of theological and natural science to objective knowledge, and the deeply natural relation between knowledge of God the Creator and knowledge of the world he has made.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781579108168
Trinitarian Faith : The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic C Paperback
Torrance, Thomas F. | T. & T. Clark Publishers, Ltd. | 19930901
소개 Examines the importance of the Nicene Faith for Christian theology, cutting across the divide between East and West and between Catholic and Evangelical, illuminating our understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780567292193
Repentance in Late Antiquity: Eastern Asceticism and the Framing of the Christian Life C.400-650 Ce (Eastern Asceticism and the Framing of the Christian Life c.400 - 650 ce)
Torrance, Alexis C. | Oxford University Press, USA | 20140911
소개 This study provides a fresh perspective on the concept of repentance in early Christianity. Alexis Torrance focuses on writings by several ascetic theologians of the fifth to seventh centuries, and also examines texts from Scripture, early Christian treatises and homilies, apocalyptic material, and canonical literature.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780199665365
Divine and Contingent Order Paperback
Torrance, Thomas F. | Oxford Univ Pr on Demand | 20001207
소개 Oxford Scholarly Classics brings together a number of great academic works from the archives of Oxford University Press. Reissued in a uniform series design, they will enable libraries, scholars, and students to gain fresh access to some of the finest scholarship of the last century.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780198266587
Karl Barth Paperback
Torrance, Thomas F. | Continuum | 20001201
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780567087621
The Mediation of Christ Paperback
Torrance, Thomas F. | Helmers & Howard Publishing | 20120104
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9780939443505
인간 교육학의 새로운 도전 (교수 학습의 새로운 패러다임)
David R. Olson^Nancy Torrance | 학지사 | 20110228
소개 이 책은 David R. Olson과 Nancy Torrance가 1996년에 펴낸 The Handbook of Education and Human Development: New Models of Learning, Teaching and Schooling을 우리말로 옮긴 것이다. 서명에서도 알 수 있듯이 이 책은 교육과 인간 발달에 관한 핸드북으로서 학습, 교수 그리고 학교교육에 대한 새로운 모형을 제안하고 있으며, 원서는 804페이지에 달하는 방대한 분량이다. 크게 3부로 구성되어 있고 각 부는 다시 제1편과 제2편으로 나뉘며 총 32개 장으로 구성되어 있다.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9788963305530
Individuality in Late Antiquity
Torrance, Alexis (EDT) | Ashgate Publishing | 20140903
소개 Late antiquity is increasingly recognised as a period of important cultural transformation. One of its crucial aspects is the emergence of a new awareness of human individuality. In this book, the authors assess the influence of seminal thinkers, including the Gnostics, Plotinus, and Augustine.
국제표준 도서번호(ISBN) : 9781409440567