A Chinese Firm Is America’s Favorite Drone Maker. Except in Washington.
Michael Lighthiser handles a large fleet of drones, including many produced by DJI, for George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. He has met virtually with the state’s representatives, including...
2024-04-25 23:50:00
Where to Eat and Drink in Milan Right Now
The family also previously lived in Los Angeles, where they ran the popular Fairfax District bakery Milk, which closed in 2021. In Milan, the small storefront is on a quiet lane not far from the...
2024-04-12 03:46:00
남가주 한 학교에서 ‘부적절한’ 사진, 학생들 사이 공유
LA 통합교육구는 Fairfax High School에서 부적절한 Image가 제3자 Messaging 앱을 통해 학생들 사이에 유포돼... 돌아다녔는데 Fairfax High School에서 또다시 비슷한 사건이 일어나 매우 심각하게 이를 바라보고 있다고...
2024-04-11 22:52:00
Renewed Digital Divide Commitment
IMAGE DISTRIBUTED AT&T - Gia Duarte, a senior at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, meets with AT&T CEO John Stankey as she accepts admission to UC Berkeley from the Salvedoran American...
2024-04-05 05:01:00
Renewed Digital Divide Commitment
IMAGE DISTRIBUTED AT&T - Gia Duarte, a senior at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, meets with AT&T CEO John Stankey as she accepts admission to UC Berkeley from the Salvedoran American...
2024-04-05 05:01:00
Renewed Digital Divide Commitment
IMAGE DISTRIBUTED AT&T - Gia Duarte, a senior at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, meets with AT&T CEO John Stankey as she accepts admission to UC Berkeley from the Salvedoran American...
2024-04-05 05:01:00
LA 시, ‘쓰레기 집’ 주변 쓰레기 어제 저녁 모두 제거
그런 곳들 중에서도 Fairfax District에 있는 한 주택 상태가 특히 열악해서 논란이 일었는데 LA 시가 전격적으로 출동해 쓰레기를 모두 제거했다. 캐런 배스 LA 시장은 이틀전이었던 2일(화) 밤에 보고를 받고 그런 집이...
2024-04-04 22:52:00
Shohei Ohtani’s Arrival Reflects Diversity of Dodgers Fans, and Los Ang...
Workers have begun removing a large pile of trash that has accumulated outside a Fairfax District home in Los Angeles, ABC7 Los Angeles reports. Central California California officials...
2024-04-04 22:02:00
‘Succession’ sobre hielo
de Fairfax, Virginia, ejecutó un cuádruple axel con un traje que parecía un esmoquin clásico. Malinin, que creció en Fairfax, es el único patinador que ha realizado ese salto en...
2024-03-27 05:54:00
‘Succession’ on Ice
Malinin, a 19-year-old student at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., executed a quad axel in a costume that resembled a classic tuxedo. Mr. Malinin, who grew up in Fairfax, is the only...
2024-03-26 08:58:00
“그리스도의 부활은 인류의 소망”
선착순 60명으로 한정되며 참가비는 무료이다. 연합새벽예배 장소: 6428 Ox Rd, Fairfax Station VA(서울장로교회) 목회비전캠프 장소: 9621 Frostown Rd, Middletown MD (스카이크로프트 컨퍼런스센터 문의: 703-785-0942(최문종 목사)
2024-03-25 06:42:00
제로금리 이긴 일본연금, 비트코인 투자 카드 만지작
68억 달러(약 9조1100억원) 규모의 자산을 운용하는 미국 연기금 페어팩스 카운티 은퇴 시스템(The Fairfax County Retirement Systems)도 수익률 향상을 위해 암호화폐 대출 시장 진출 계획을 발표했다. 지난 2022년 4월 실시된...
2024-03-20 09:10:00
Californians Share Their Pandemic Silver Linings, Four Years Later
Had it not been for the pandemic, I never would have discovered this easy way to stay connected and involved.” — Patti Breitman, Fairfax “My partner of more than 40 years and I had led...
2024-03-19 22:42:00
Down the Rabbit Hole in Search of a Few Frames of Irish American History
The catalog information indicates only that it was a single-item donation from an Anthony Tarsia of Fairfax, Va., on Dec. 4, 2001. Tarsia, it turned out, was helping to declutter his mother’s...
2024-03-16 07:14:00
2 Women Were Found Dead in the 1980s. DNA Links a Man to the Murders.
, the Fairfax County Police Department said in a statement. Mr. Harrison was arrested on Tuesday... Harrison after detectives with the Fairfax County police submitted evidence from Ms. Baker’s...
2024-03-08 04:36:00
페어팩스 버스 파업, 12일만에 잠정 타결
북버지니아에서 가장 큰 버스 회사인 페어팩스 커넥터(Fairfax Connector) 노조가 5일 저녁 회사 측과 근로 계약안에 대해 잠정적으로 합의를 하고 조만간 파업을 끝내기로 했다. 지난달 22일 파업에 들어간 지 12일만으로...
2024-03-08 02:20:00
페어팩스 버스 파업 2주째, 통근자들 큰 불편
북버지니아에서 가장 큰 버스 회사인 페어팩스 커넥터(Fairfax Connector)가 지난달 22일 파업에 들어간 후 2주째를 맞고 있지만 협상이 타결되지 않으면서 통근자들이 큰 불편을 겪고 있다. 지역 언론들에 따르면...
2024-03-06 02:10:00
the Fairfax County Government Center polling place in Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 05 March 2024. The 'Super Tuesday' voters in 16 states and territories will cast their ballots for presidential...
2024-03-05 23:57:00
Super Tuesday voting in the 2024 United States primary elections A poll worker places a privacy screen on a DS 200 ballot scanner at the Fairfax County Government Center polling place in Fairfax...
2024-03-05 22:53:00
Super Tuesday voting in the 2024 United States primary elections A voter fills out his ballot at the Fairfax County Government Center polling place in Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 05 March 2024. The...
2024-03-05 22:53:00