Xander Schauffele on having 'the right foundation' after PGA Championshi...
Once I sat down in scoring, it was just a whirlwind of emotions. For all those close misses in the past, I don't think I'd ever look at it as lacking. I looked at it as someone that is trying...
2024-05-23 09:29:00
미국 장학금 기숙사 학교 지원생 모집…우수 사립학교서 명문대학 진학 준비
학생별 맞춤 컨설팅 및 과외를 제공하며, SAT, TOEFL 등 학업 지원 프로그램을 운영해 대학 진학을 돕는다. 학교 자체 갤러리 Edward O’Neill Gallery에서 매년 봄 아트쇼를 개최해 미술이나 디자인, 패션디자인...
2024-05-23 09:02:00
How Today’s Economy Could Matter in November
A Democrat, he sat out the presidential election in 2020, and hasn’t seen the kind of big economic changes from Biden that he said would definitely motivate him to vote for him this fall. “If...
2024-05-23 07:58:00
‘A Completely Different Town Now’: A Community Reels From a Deadly Tor...
The celery she had been chopping just before the storm sat undisturbed on the kitchen counter. Many in town said they had been warned of the danger by tornado sirens or emergency alerts on their...
2024-05-23 01:30:00
Justice Alito’s Blame-the-Wife Defense
But if we examine the story about the origin of the sandwich — to provide nourishment while the Earl of Sandwich sat hour after hour at the gambling tables — I believe the case was correctly...
2024-05-23 00:34:00
Like Your Movies Odd and Grungy? Try Cultpix.
‘The Spook Who Sat By the Door’: The highlight of Cultpix’s Blaxploitation section is this 1973 thriller from the director Ivan Dixon (“Nothing But a Man”), which offsets the low budget...
2024-05-23 00:08:00
My Son Was in a Psychiatric Hospital. Why Was I Celebrating?
“If she’d canceled her birthday,” he said, still holding my gaze, “I’d have even more to still feel guilty about.” I sat in silence imaging Luka — not as my baby but as a man...
2024-05-22 18:04:00
Businesses in D.C. Blame the Government for the District’s Empty Office...
Fostieris lamented as he sat against a wall adorned with signed photographs of the current and former presidents as well as a plethora of framed reviews — some faded, all glowing — from...
2024-05-22 18:02:00
SAT학원 인터프렙, 썸머스쿨 digital SAT 킬러문항 특강 진행
서울시 강남구 대치동에 위치한 SAT학원 인터프렙이 2024년 여름방학을 맞아 디지털 SAT 시험 준비를 위한 새로운 킬러문항 특강을 신설한다고 22일 발표했다. 인터프렙은 코로나19 이전까지 연간 600명 이상의 수강생을...
2024-05-22 17:58:00
Kospi ends flat with market on hold for Fed minutes
Shares ended nearly flat on Wednesday as investors sat on the sidelines ahead of the release of the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee's meeting minutes. The Kospi edged down 0.72 points, or 0.03...
2024-05-22 16:57:00
(LEAD) Seoul shares close nearly flat ahead of Fed minutes
stocks-summary Seoul shares close nearly flat ahead of Fed minutes SEOUL, May 22 (Yonhap) -- South Korean stocks ended nearly flat Wednesday as investors sat on the sidelines ahead of the release...
2024-05-22 16:39:00
KGC인삼공사, 청정자연 태생의 녹용 엄선 부모님도 아이도 활력 충전
등급(SAT) 녹용만을 100% 사용한다. 뉴질랜드 녹용은 그 품질에 따라 총 30개의 세부 등급으로 나눠지는데 이 중 녹용의 두께, 분골의 길이, 전지 길이, 무게 등 까다로운 조건에 부합하는 최상위 등급을 SAT(Super A Traditional)라...
2024-05-22 16:16:00
쿨하게 먹고 입고 즐기고 夏夏夏! 오늘을 기다렸다
뉴질랜드 정부가 보증한 최상위 등급(SAT)을 사용해 만드는 천녹은 중장년층용 '에너제틱'을 비롯해 여성용(라이블리), 남성용(비스트롱), 아동용(그로잉), 수험생용(부스팅) 등 맞춤형 상품으로 출시됐다.
2024-05-22 16:15:00
Seoul shares close nearly flat ahead of Fed minutes
stocks-summary Seoul shares close nearly flat ahead of Fed minutes SEOUL, May 22 (Yonhap) -- South Korean stocks ended nearly flat Wednesday as investors sat on the sidelines ahead of the release...
2024-05-22 16:14:00
Who Was Abdul Raziq?
Although the Taliban had banned poppy cultivation, opium came roaring back under Karzai’s administration, and Spin Boldak sat on one of the main trafficking routes. Classified U.S. military and...
2024-05-22 16:02:00
[ Forum] 'Where we stand in renewables'
A panel of industry insiders and observers sat down for a reality check on where the world stand in the renewable energy transition, during the Forum 2024 held in Seoul on Wednesday. Under...
2024-05-22 15:35:00
㈜컨텍, 제59회 발명의 날 대통령 표창 수상…초격차 우주기업에 이어 대통령...
한편, 컨텍은 국내 우주 스타트업 1호 상장기업으로 전 세계 주요 거점 9개국에 10개 지상국을 보유, 운영하고 있으며, 최근 자체 위성인 ‘오름SAT’ 발사·참관의 순간에도 국가를 위해 헌신하고 있는 대한민국 군인...
2024-05-22 15:31:00
Was Beethoven truly the greatest?
Still, the lionization of Beethoven never sat well with me. Beethoven backlash Four years ago, I self-published a blog post under the headline, “Beethoven Was an Above-average Composer: Let’s...
2024-05-22 15:20:00
SAT학원 PSU에듀센터 여름특강… 5월 조기등록 시 할인 혜택
사진 제공=게티이미지 SAT학원 PSU에듀센터가 2024년 여름방학을 맞이하여, SAT ACT 시험 대비를 위한 여름특강을 진행하며, 5월까지 등록시 10% 할인혜택을 진행한다. PSU에듀센터는 대한민국 교육 일번지 대치동에서...
2024-05-22 13:52:00
SAT 고득점과 해외 명문대 합격, 결과가 곧 탑클래스 실력!!
분당 SAT&AP 전문학원, ‘탑클어학원’ 교육특구인 분당에서 20년 넘게 학원을 운영한다는 것은 결코 쉬운... 분당과 용인, 동탄 등 경기 남부지역 학생들이 굳이 강남에 가지 않아도 AP, SAT 및 GPA 성적 관리와 1:1...
2024-05-22 12:36:00